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August 2, 2016

Leading for cause not applause

Best selling author Simon Sinek has challenged us to imagine a world where people wake up every day inspired to go to work, free from the negative thoughts that dominate much of the discussion about corporations' impacts on the world. The truth is that there are a number of organisations out there whose workers safely return home at the end of the day...

July 12, 2016

Leading to serve – It’s not about you

I have heard it said that if serving is below you then leadership is beyond you, so I believe that one should want to serve others. You could think of it as a calling to put others before the self. It's a mindset best described by Ghandi, as he believed the best way to find your purpose was to lose yourself...

June 1, 2016

You can’t be a great leader without being a great listener

A wise person once said, "speak in such a way that others love to listen to you, listen in such a way that others love to speak to you". It's a lesson that is particularly valuable for the current generation of leaders, especially as there are more distractions than ever that get in the way of listening correctly. Arguably, leadership finds...

May 5, 2016

Your organisation has a purpose – Do you?

Leaders are spending more and more time defining the purpose of their organisation. It's a concept that's gained significant attention in recent years, especially as the world begins to place increased demands on businesses and institutions to justify their place in our society. However, it's not just an organisation as a whole that needs a purpose, the person in charge does...

May 4, 2016

Leadership isn’t about the glory

It's a common misconception, both from the wider public and people within an organisation, that leaders lead a somewhat glamorous life. It's an assumption that's incorrect, and ignores many of the traits that people need to embody in order to be considered a great leader. These pressures aren't unique to leaders of large companies overseeing hundreds of employees either. In fact,...

April 11, 2016

The challenge of becoming an ‘inadequate’ leader

"Leaders are generally inadequate" - Sir Bob Geldof. Those powerful words came from an address Geldof gave earlier this year at an awards dinner hosted by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. Sir Bob went further, stating that the very idea of leadership is overblown and he's sick of hearing about it. It was perfect timing for me as I sat down...